DEMO-MODESave not possible
  • Accent-Color : #4eb0b4
  • Body-Font : Lato
  • Headline-Font : Lato
  • Hide Topbar : 1
  • Header: Classic v1 : 1
  • 100%
  • 75%
  • 50%
    Global Colors
    • Accent Color
      Select the accent-color

    • Second Color
      Select the second-color

    Fonts: Body
    • Font-Family
      Font for body
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for body

    • Line-Height
      Line-height in pixel for body

    • Font-Color
      Color for body

    • Hyphens off
      Hyphenation off
    Fonts: Headlines
    • Font-Family
      Font for all headlines
      Beautify the Web

    • Hyphens off
      Hyphenation off
    • Font-Family
      Font for h1
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for headline H1

    • Line-Height
      Font-Size for headline H1

    • Letter-Spacing
      Font-Size for headline H1

    • Color
      Color for headline

    • Font-Family
      Font for h2
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for headline H2

    • Line-Height
      Font-Size for headline H2

    • Letter-Spacing
      Font-Size for headline H2

    • Color
      Color for headline

    • Font-Family
      Font for h3
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for headline H3

    • Line-Height
      Font-Size for headline H3

    • Letter-Spacing
      Font-Size for headline H3

    • Color
      Color for headline

    • Font-Family
      Font for h4
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for headline H4

    • Line-Height
      Font-Size for headline H4

    • Letter-Spacing
      Font-Size for headline H4

    • Color
      Color for headline

    • Font-Family
      Font for h5
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for headline H5

    • Line-Height
      Font-Size for headline H5

    • Letter-Spacing
      Font-Size for headline H5

    • Color
      Color for headline

    • Font-Family
      Font for h6
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for headline H6

    • Line-Height
      Font-Size for headline H6

    • Letter-Spacing
      Font-Size for headline H6

    • Color
      Color for headline

    Fonts: Paragraphs
    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for paragraph

    • Line-height
      Line-height in pixel for paragraph

    • Font-Color
      Color for paragraph

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for paragraph

    • Line-height
      Line-height in pixel for paragraph

    • Font-Color
      Color for paragraph

    • Font-Size
      Font-Size for paragraph

    • Line-height
      Line-height in pixel for paragraph

    • Font-Color
      Color for paragraph

    Topbar: Items
    • Hide: Topbar
      Display: none for topbar.
    • Hide: Phone
      Display: none for phone.
    • Hide: Email
      Display: none for Email.
    • Hide: Meta-Nav
      Display: none for Meta-Nav.
    • Hide: Login
      Display: none for Login.
    • Hide: Socials
      Display: none for Socials.
    • Hide: Offcanvas-Trigger
      Display: none for Offcanvas-Trigger.
    • Show: Langswitch
      Show: Langswitch in topbar
    Topbar: Font
    • Font-Size
      Fontsize in topbar

    Topbar: Colors
    • Font-Color
      Color for topbar text

    • Background-Color
      Background-color for topbar

    Topbar: Layout
    • Height
      Padding: top/bottom of the topbar in pixel

    • Width: Fullwidth
      Fullwidth layout for topbar
    • Border
      Border-bottom for topbar

    • Shadow
      Opacity of topbar shadow

    • Socials: colored
      Social icons in color
    Header: Items
    • Show: Socials
      Not available for all header styles
    • Hide: Langswitch
      Display: none for langswitch
    • Hide: Search
      Display: none for search
    • Hide: Header
      Hide header on home-site
    Classic v1
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Classic v2
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Classic v3
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Classic v4
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Classic v5
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Classic v6
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Classic v7
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Classic v8
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Classic v9
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Classic v10
    • Turn on
      Turn this header style on
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Modern v1
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-Color
        Background-Color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Modern v2
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Modern v3
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Modern v4
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Lines-Color
        Line Color

    Modern v5
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Lines-Color
        Line Color

    Modern v6
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Lines-Color
        Line Color

    Modern v7
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Modern v8
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Modern v9
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

    Minimal v1
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Minimal v2
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Position: Absolute
        overlays #slider section
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Border

    Leftside v1
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Lines-Color
        Line Color

      • Background-Image
        Drag image here
        Drag file here

      • Enable Small View
        Trigger for Header-Smallview
    Leftside v2
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Lines-Color
        Line Color

      • Background-Image
        Drag image here
        Drag file here

      • Enable Small View
        Trigger for Header-Smallview
    Leftside v3
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Background-Image
        Drag image here
        Drag file here

      • Enable Small View
        Trigger for Header-Smallview
    • Turn on
      Turn on this header style
      • Background-color
        Background-color for header

      • Font-Color
        Font-Color for header

      • Lines-Color
        Line Color

      • Background-Image
        Drag image here
        Drag file here

    • Background-Color
      Background-color for sticky header

    • Text-Color
      Text color for sticky header

    • Active-Color
      Active color for stickyheader

    • Hide: Stickyheader
      Display: none for stickyheader
    Mobile Stickyheader
    Main Menu
    Active Styles
    Tablet Menu
    • Font-Family
      Font for Tabletmenu
      Beautify the Web

    • Font-size
      Font-size Tabletmenu

    • Line-height
      Line-height Tabletmenu

    • Uppercase
      Uppercase for Tabletmenu
    • Color
      Color for Tabletmenu

    • Background-Color
      Background-color for Tabletmenu

    • Desktop-Menu on tablet: ON
      Tabletmenu off
    Bottom: Layout
    • Hide: bottom
      Display: none for bottom
    • Height/Padding
      padding-top/bottom of bottom

    • Align: Center
      text-align: center
    • Border-top
      border-top for bottom

    Bottom: Font
    • Font-size
      Font-size for text

    Bottom: Colors
    • Color: Text
      Color for text

    • Color: Link-Hover
      Color for a:hover

    • Background-color
      Background-color for bottom

    • Background-Image
      Upload background-image for bottom
      Drag file here

    • Backgroud-size: Cover
      background-size: cover
    • Backgroud-repeat: Repeat
      background-repeat: repeat
    Layout: Boxed/Fullwidth
    Boxed: Style 1
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      Turn on boxed style 1
    • Page-Shadow
    • Page-Width
      Width in pixel for page

    • Margin-Top
      Margin-top for page

    • Background-color

    Boxed: Style 2
    • Boxed Style 2: ON
      Turn on boxed style 2
    • Content-Width
      Width in pixel for content

    • Negative margin
      Negative margin for main

    • Background-color

    Boxed: Style 3
    • Boxed Style 3: ON
      Turn on boxed style 3

    • Background-color

    Boxed: Background
    • Background-Image
      Upload background-image
      Drag file here

    • Repeat: none
      background-repeat: none
    • Repeat: repeat
      background-repeat: repeat
    • Repeat: repeat-x
      background-repeat: repeat-x
    • Repeat: repeat-y
      background-repeat: repeat-y
    • Position: center
      background-position: center
    • Backgroud-size: Cover
      background-size: cover
    • Attachment: fixed
      background-attachment: fixed
    • Background-color

    • Content-Width
      Width of content in pixel

    Layout: Extended Settings
    • Default Space between Articles
      Default Space between Articles

    • Hide: Breadcrumb
      Display: none for rootpath on content pages
    • Langswitch Style 2
      Langswitch Style 2